Apples – Toddler Storytime

As this was the beginning of the Fall storytime session, and due to vacation/illness I didn’t have a lot of planning time, so I pulled out an old storytime standard: apples!

SONG: Welcome Song

MOVEMENT: “Clap Everybody and Say Hello” from Sally Go Round the Sun: songs and rhymes from the parent-child Mother Goose program by Kathy Reid-Naiman

Open Shut Them*



Tap the Magic tree by Christie Matheson

MOVEMENT: “Roll Your Hands” from Toddlers on Parade by Carol Hammett & Elaine Bueffel

The Apple Tree

(I know there are 4 apples in the image, but I just used three with the group when I did it, hence the rhyme starting with 3…)

Way up high in the apple tree (raise arms up into the air)
3 little apples smiled at me (hold up number of fingers, and smile)
I shook that tree just as hard as I could (use both hands to pretend to shake the trunk of a tree)
And down came an apple! (take an apple off the flannelboard)
CRUNCH! (pretend to eat the apple)
Mmmmm… was it good! (rub belly)

How many apples are left?  2!

Way up high in the apple tree
2 little apples smiled at me….

MOVEMENT: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” from Songs for Wiggleworms by the Old Town School of Folk Music

MOVEMENT: Itsy Bitsy Spider


Pepo and Lolo and the Red Apple by Ana Martin Larrañaga


“Max’s Apple” from Springtime for Max & Ruby

MOVEMENT: Storytime’s Over


Book: Apple Farmer Annie by Monica Wellington
Book: Brownie & Pearl Grab a Bite by Cynthia Rylant, pictures by Brian Biggs
Book: Orange, Pear, Apple, Bear by Emily Gravett
Book: Apple Pie ABC by Alison Murray
Book: All for Pie, Pie for All by David Martin, illustrated by Valeri Gorbachev
Book: Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins (I want to make this one into a flannelboard as well)
Flannelboard: I Gave My Horse an Apple
DVD: “Chicka Chicka 1 2 3” from Chicka Chicka 123 …and more counting fun!

storytime katie – Toddlers: Apples
Library Village – Toddler Storytime – A is for Apple
Pasadena Public Library Kids Blog – Toddler Storytime: Apples
Jen in the Library – Apples – Toddler Storytime (from 2012)

There are a lot of good books for toddler apple storytime, but a lot of these had been used recently in storytime, and I didn’t want to repeat them.  So, I thought I would take a try at something new with Tap the Magic Tree.  It was rather long, but I think the interactivity of it made it okay for toddlers.  Rather than bringing the book around and having the kids tap on the page individually, I have them all do it from their seats so everyone can participate at once.  I think this would work better with toddlers if I had used it a little later in the storytime session, when they were used to sitting for longer periods of time.  It wasn’t a bad choice, and I would totally use it again.

One of my colleagues for her toddler storytimes does a letter flannel to get started, and I decided to steal that idea and start using it for some of my storytimes.  I hope she doesn’t mind (imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?), and I’m excited about adding this knew letter knowledge element to storytime.

PRESENTED: Tuesday, October 10, 2017

ATTENDANCE:  10 am:  45 people      11 am: 44 people

* For these songs, please see my Storytime Movements & Music page

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