Cookies – Preschool Storytime

Today we shared stories about cookies.  Yum yum storytime fun!

MOVEMENT: Welcome Song*

MOVEMENT: “Clap Your Hands” from Wiggleworms Love You by Old Town School of Folk Music


The Cow Loves Cookies by Karma Wilson, illustrated by Marcellus Hall

Making Cookies 
I am making cookie dough (point to self)
Round and round the beaters go (roll hands over hands)
Add some flour from a cup (pour from cup)
Stir and mix the batter up (pretend to self)

Roll them, cut them nice and neat (pretend to roll out with pin, then cookie cut)
Put them on a cookie sheet (pretend to lay out on cookie sheet)
Bake them, count them, 1, 2, 3 (count with fingers)
Then serve them to my friends for tea (pretend to eat cookies)

Cookies and Counting

Flannelboard set found in the Target dollar/three dollar section

For this one, I put the cookie sheet, oven, and then counted out ten cookies with the group.  I explained that each cookie had a different number of chocolate chips.  For the first example, we counted the chips together, and then I had the kids guide me as I placed the cookie in the correctly numbered space on the cookie sheet.  Since the group wasn’t very large, I had kids come up and place the rest of the remaining cookies.

Then I put the whole tray in the oven, and pulled the cookies out again.  When they were baked, I put the cookies only back on the flannelboard, and we did this rhyme together:

Ten Little Cookies
Ten little cookies laying on a plate
Mom eats two and then there are 8.

When Dad comes home, two cookies he picks
Leaving on the plate only 6.

Brother comes home, slamming the door.
He eats two cookies, then there are 4.

When sister comes home, there are still a few
She eats a couple, then there are 2.

Baby wakes up. His nape is done.
He eats a cookie, then there is 1.

The cat jumps on the table and eats the last one.
Poor dog!  He’s too late.  He only gets a crumb.

MOVEMENT: “Shake My Sillies Out” from More Singable Songs for the Very Young by Raffi


Who Ate All the Cookie Dough?
by Karen Beaumont, illustrated by Eugene Yelchin

Patty Cake (Cookie Style)
Patty cake, patty cake, baker’s man (clap hands together)
Bake me a cookie as fast as you can
Roll it (make a rolling motion with hands)
And Pat it (pat hands on your lap)
And mark it with a “C” (for cookie!) (draw a letter C in the air)
And it in the oven (mime putting tray in oven)
for you (point out)
and me! (point to yourself)


“The Duckling Gets a Cookie!?” from The Duckling Gets a Cookie!? …and More Stories by Mo Willems. Based on the book by Mo Willems

MOVEMENT: Storytime’s Over*


Book: Cookiesaurus Rex written by Amy Fellner Dominy & Nate Evans, illustrated by AG Ford
Book: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie written by Laura Numeroff, illustrated by Felicia Bond
DVD: Some Sesame Street DVD with Cookie Monster


This was a fun and tasty storytime!  I was glad I got to try out my set from Target – I hadn’t used that one before.  I realized I didn’t change that much from when I did this storytime back in 2012 (at least, I used a lot of the books I identified then too).  But it was still a fun theme, and I think long enough from when I did it the first time.

ATTENDANCE: 18 (adults and children)

DATE PRESENTED: Saturday, February 9, 2019 @ Children’s Room

*To see the words to these movements and activities I use frequently, please visit my A-capella Movements Section on my Storytime Movements and Music Page