Bedtime – Toddler Storytime

We got nice and snuggly with this sleepy storytime!

MOVEMENT: Welcome Song*

MOVEMENT: “Clap Your Hands, Clap Your Hands” from Tickles and Tunes by Kathy Reid-Naiman

MOVEMENT: Open Shut Them*


Bedtime Bunnies
 by Wendy Watson

MOVEMENT: “Reach for the Ceiling” from Toddlers on Parade by Carol Hammett and Elaine Bueffel

10 Sheep Flannelboard cropped logo
10 Sheep

5 in the Bed
5 in the Bed Flannelboard cropped logo
Template and song taken from Making Learning Fun

There were five in the bed,
and the little one said,
“It’s crowded!
Roll Over!”
So they all rolled over
And one fell out.

How many were in the bed now?
That’s right!   4!
There were four in the bed…

**Continue counting down until…

There was one in the bed
and the little one said

“I’m Lonely!”
So all the others climbed back into bed.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
And everyone drifted off to sleep.

MOVEMENT: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” from Songs for Wiggleworms by the Old Town School of Folk Music

MOVEMENT: Grandma’s Spectacles*

Tuck Me In by Hacohen
Tuck Me In!
 by Dean Hacohen & Sherry Scharschmidt

MOVEMENT: “Two Little Blackbirds” from Fingerplays and Footplays by Rosemary Hallum and Henry “Buzz” Glass


“Four Beds” from Baby’s First-Word Stories: Nighttime

MOVEMENT:  Storytime’s Over*


Book: No Bed Without Ted by Nicola Smee
Book: Brownie and Pearl Hit the Hay by Cynthia Rylant, pictures by Brian Biggs
Book: I’m Not Sleepy! by Jonathan Allen
Book: Dinosaur vs. Bedtime by Bob Shea
Flannelboard: 10 Teddy Bears (for counting song)
Flannelboard: 10 Teddy Bears Sleeping in the Bed
Other Ideas from my

Sleep is a fun theme.  And there are so many great books for toddlers on the topic!

ATTENDANCE:  10 am:  40 people      11 am: 40 people

* For these songs, please see my Storytime Movements & Music page

Bedtime – Infant Storytime

Even though we have Infant Storytime early in the morning, it’s still never too early to share bedtime books.

MOVEMENT: Welcome Song*

MOVEMENT: Peek-a-Boo*

BOUNCE: Roly Poly*


Little Sleepyhead
 by Elizabeth McPike and Patrice Barton

MOVEMENT: “Clap, Tap and Bend” from It’s Toddler Time by Carol Hammett and Elaine Bueffel

5 in the Bed
5 in the Bed Flannelboard cropped logo
Template and song taken from Making Learning Fun

There were five in the bed,
and the little one said,
“It’s crowded!
Roll Over!”
So they all rolled over
And one fell out.

How many were in the bed now?
That’s right!   4!
There were four in the bed…

**Continue counting down until…

There was one in the bed
and the little one said

“I’m Lonely!”
So all the others climbed back into bed.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
And everyone drifted off to sleep.

BOUNCE: “Smooth Road to London Town” from A Smooth Road to London Town: Songs from the Parent-Child Mother goose Program by Kathy Reid-Naiman. 

MOVEMENT: Patty Cake*


The Going to Bed Book
 by Sandra Boynton
(I used the larger Lap Sized board book so that everyone could see the pictures.)

TICKLE: These are Baby’s Fingers*

SONG: “Babies Little Self” from the album Here I Am! by Caspar Babypants

Little Bo Peep
Little Bo Peep Flannelboard 1 Little Bo Peep Flannelboard 2
Flannelboard pattern taken from Mother Goose’s Playhouse by Judy Sierra.

Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep
and doesn’t know where to find them.
Leave them alone,
And they’ll come home
Wagging their tails behind them.
Recite the rhyme once, then ask the children if they can find Little Bo Peep’s sheep.  Lift up the bushes to reveal the sheep, and then recite the rhyme once more.

Wild! Bedtime by Courtney Dicmas
MOVEMENT: “Itsy Bitsy Spider” from Children’s Favorite Songs Volume 3 from Walt Disney

MOVEMENT: “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” from Songs for Wiggleworms by the Old Town School of Folk Music

MOVEMENT: Storytime’s Over*

Tuck Me In by Hacohen 
Book: Tuck Me In! by Dean Hacohen & Sherry Scharschmidt
Book: Sleepy Kittens by Jill and Martin Leman
Book: Goodnight, My Duckling by Nancy Tafuri

When I saw the book Little Sleepyhead, I knew I wanted to incorporate it into an infant storytime.  I think it worked pretty well!  Since The Going to Bed Book was so short, I’m glad I had Wild! Bedtime to use as an additional story.  I always feel like we do so much in Infant storytime, yet it still feels hard to fill up 20 minutes!

ATTENDANCE: 25 people

* For these songs, please see my page Storytime Movements & Music

Eggs – Storybox

My library system has one central location and 9 branches.  To make storytime programming easier for all involved, we use storyboxes.  These are “storytimes in a box”.  They contain everything a storyteller would need for a successful storytime including books, videos, fingerplays and crafts.  Ideally, there should be enough variety that the box can be used for infants/toddlers, preschoolers, and lower elementary ages.   Here’s the latest storybox I put together for rotation.

Eggs – “What will hatch from these egg-cellent stories?”


Eggs 1 2 3: Who Will the Babies Be?
by Janet Halfmann
The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett
Chicken Big by Keith Graves


The Perfect Nest by Catherine Friend
Whose Chick are You? by Nancy Tafuri
The Golden Egg Book by Margaret Wise Brown


The Egg by M. P. Robertson
Guji Guji by Chih-Yuan Chen
Hunwick’s Egg by Mem Fox


Daisy and the Egg by Jane Simmons
The Cow that Laid an Egg by Andy Cutbill
Egg Drop by Mini Grey


First the Egg by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
How Kind! by Mary Murphy
Roly-Poly Egg by Kali Stileman


Duck and Goose by Tad Hills
Foxy and Egg by Alex Smith
The Happy Egg by Ruth Krauss


Little Chick, Little Chick
Little Chick Little Chick  Little Chick Little Chick 2
Pattern from Microsoft Clip Art
I got the idea for this one as a spin-off from the flannelboard Little Mouse Little Mouse

Hide the chick under one of the eggs before you place it on the flannelboard.  Place all eggs on the flannelboard.

Repeat this rhyme:
“Little chick, little chick,
Are you in the ___color___ egg?”

Life the egg of the flannelboard to see if the chick is behind it.  Repeat until you find the chick.  Hide it again, and place once more!

Ten Little Eggs
10 Eggs Flannelboard 1 Ten Eggs Flannelboard 2
Pattern and rhyme from Preschool Favorites by Diane Briggs on page 138.
(The animals in this photo aren’t in the correct order as the rhyme.)

There are ten little eggs
And what do we see
They’re about to crack open
“My goodness me,”
said Mother Hen.

The first egg cracks open
And what do we see
It’s a fuzzy, little duckling
Looking at me.

The second egg cracks open
And what do we see
It’s a little purple dinosaur
Looking at me.

The third egg cracks open
And what do we see
It’s a little turkey gobbler
Looking at me.

The fourth egg cracks open
And what do we see
It’s a little fuzzy owl
Looking at me.

The fifth egg cracks open
And what do we see
It’s a funny little platypus
Looking at me.

The sixth egg cracks open
And what do we see
It’s a pretty little bluebird
Looking at me.

The seventh egg cracks open
And what do we see
It’s a snappy little alligator
Looking at me.

The eighth egg cracks open
And what do we see
It’s a long-necked ostrich
Looking at me.

The ninth egg cracks open
And what do we see
It’s a little green turtle
Looking at me.

The tenth egg cracks open
And what do we see
It’s a little yellow chicken
Looking at me.

“My baby!”
said the mother hen,
as happy as can be.

“Mommy!” said the chick.
“Did you meet all my sisters and brothers?”
“What!” shrieked Mother Hen,
“My goodness me.”

Three Eggs in a Basket
Three Eggs in a Basket Flannelboard Three Eggs in a Basket Flannelboard 2
Pattern and story found in Mother Goose’s Playhouse by Judy Sierra on page 62.

Five little eggs (fingers on one hand)
And five little eggs (fingers on second hand)
Are 10 little eggs you see (wiggle fingers)
Break their shells and what do you have? (clap)
Ten little chickens as yellow as can be. (wiggle fingers)

Little Egg
Once there was a little egg
That jumped down to the floor
It started rolling all around
Then rolled right out the door.

Little egg, roll, roll, roll,
Roll all around
Little egg roll, roll, roll
All across the ground.

Eggs in a nest
Here’s an egg in a nest up in a tree.
(make fist with right hand and place in palm of cupped left hand)
What’s inside? What can it be?
(shrug shoulders)
Peck, peck, peck,
Peep, peep, peep.
Out hatches a little bird,
(Wiggle fingers or fisted hand)
Cute as can be!
(from Child Fun)

If You Like Your Eggs Scrambled
(Tune: Happy & You Know It)
If you like your eggs scrambled, clap your hands
If you like your eggs scrambled, clap your hands
Yes, they’re yummy and they’re yellow
So you’ll be a happy fellow
If you like your eggs scrambled, clap your hands

If you like your eggs fried, jump up high…
If you want bacon with your eggs, wiggle your legs…
If you want toast instead, nod your head (Mmm-hmm)…
(from Storytime Source Page)

I’m a Little Birdie
(tune “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I’m a little birdie (crouch down as if inside egg)
In my shell
Trying to crack it open
Peck, peck scratch! (pecking motion)
When I crack it open,
Out I’ll pop. (Pop Up)
And spread my wings (hands in armpits and flap)
And tweet, tweet, tweet.
(From Preschool Favorites by Diane Briggs)

I Love Eggs
(Tune: Frere Jacques)
I love eggs, I love eggs
Yum, yum, yum ; Yum, yum, yum
Scrambled, boiled or fried, any way I’ve tried
Yum, yum, yum ; Yum, yum, yum
(from: Storytime Source Page)

Five Eggs and Five Eggs
Five eggs and five eggs, that makes ten (hold up 2 hands)
Sitting on top is the mother hen. (fold one hand over the other)
Crackle, crackle, crackle; what do I see? (clap 3 times)
Ten fluffy chickens, as yellow as can be! (hold up and wiggle ten fingers)

I’m a Little Chickie
(Tune: I’m a Little Teapot)
I’m a little chickie, (crouch down inside your egg)
Ready to hatch,
Pecking at my shell,(Pecking motion)
Scratch, scratch, scratch! (scratching motion)
When I crack it open,
Out I’ll jump (jump out of shell)
Fluff my feathers,
Cheep! Cheep! Cheep!
(from: Storytime Planners)

Unhatched Egg
Make a noise like a rooster. (Crow)
Make a noise like a hen. (Cluck)
Make a noise like a chick. (Peep)
Make a noise like an unhatched egg. (Silence)
And now you’re ready to listen to the next story!
(from: Storytime Planners)

Red Hen Red Hen
(Tune: Baa Baa Black Sheep)
Red hen, red hen, have you eggs from me?
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. A lot you see.
One to hard boil.
Another one to fry.
One to scramble.
And eggs to dye.
Red Hen, red hen, have you eggs for me?
Yes, sir. Yes, sir a whole lot you see.
(from: Storytime Planners)

I’m A Little Chick
(Tune: “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I’m a little chick inside an egg
I’m always sleeping – snoring away
Soon you’ll hear a pecking, pecking sound
The egg will crack and out I’ll pop.
(from: Preschool Education)


Who is in the Egg? Lift the Flap Page
Who is in the Egg Craft1
Who is in the Egg Craft2
I made the bottom page of this craft in Microsoft Word with clip art illustrations.  Then, using the shape too, I created an oval that was large enough in size to cover the illustrations.

To prepare this craft have 5 eggs cut out for each child you think will attend the storytime.  (All eggs are the same size and shape so it doesn’t matter which egg goes where.)  Have the children color in the animals and decorate the eggs.  Then clue one egg over each animal, using just one stripe of glue away and fold the egg to create a “lift-the-flap” effect for each animal.

Hatched Egg Craft
Hatched Egg Craft 1 Hatched Egg Craft 2 Hatched Egg Craft 3

I used Word clip art to find the image of a duck or a chicken.  Then I free-handed an egg large enough to cover the duck.  I used a Sharpie to draw a thick jagged line to make it look like the egg “cracked” towards the bottom of the egg.

Have children color the chick or duck and the egg from the templates provided.  Then cut down the middle of the “crack in the egg” so that it looks broken.  Punch a brad through one end of the egg, so that it can open and close.  Tape the bird on the inside so that he “hatches” when the egg is opened.

Bedtime – Storybox

My library system has one central location and 9 branches.  To make storytime programming easier for all involved, we use storyboxes.  These are “storytimes in a box”.  They contain everything a storyteller would need for a successful storytime including books, videos, fingerplays and crafts.  Ideally, there should be enough variety that the box can be used for infants/toddlers, preschoolers, and lower elementary ages.   The boxes are routed from branch to branch so that each week a branch has a different storytime ready to go.  You don’t have to use the storyboxes, but they are there as an option when you need them.  Here’s the my latest storybox.

Bedtime – “You won’t want to catch any Zzzzs while listening to these great stories!”


Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late!
  by Mo Willems
Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Are You Going to Sleep? by Bill Martin Jr.
The Prince Won’t Go to Bed! by Dayle Ann Dodds


The Woods by Paul Hoppe
No Sleep for the Sheep! by Karen Beaumont
Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney


Mother, Mother, I Want Another by Maria Polushkin Robbins
Baby Can’t Sleep by Lisa Schroeder
Back to Bed, Ed! by Sebastien Braun


CREAK! Said the Bed by Phyllis Root
Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready for Bed? by Barney Saltzberg
Froggy Goes to Bed by Jonathan London


Time for Bed by Mem Fox
Dinosaur vs. Bedtime by Bob Shea
The Baby Beebee Bird by Diane Redfield Massey


5 in the Bed

Pattern from: Making Learning Fun

There were five in the bed,
and the little one said,
“It’s crowded!
Roll Over!”
So they all rolled over
And one fell out.

There were four in the bed…

**Continue counting down until…

There was one in the bed
and the little one said

Ending Option 1:
“I’m Lonely!”
So all the others climbed back into bed.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
And everyone drifted off to sleep.

Ending Option 2:
“Ahhh… Just Right!

5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

Pattern and Song from Felt Board Fingerplays by Liz and Dick Wilmes

Five little monkeys
jumping on the bed.
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
“No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”

 Continue counting down until no monkeys are left.

(Since the storybox travels from place to place, flannelboard pieces often get lost.  That’s why I used a pellon version of this story, instead of my felt version seen here.)


Time for Bed
Time for bed, time for bed
Fluff your pillow(make fluffing motion with hands)
Lay down your head (palms together, place side of face on palms)
Tuck in tight (pull blanket up to chin)
Close your eyes (close eyes)
And sleep all night (snore).

Good Night
Two little hands go clap, clap, clap
Two little hands lie in my lap
Two little feet go bump, bump, bump
Two little legs give one last jump
Two little eyes are shut up tight
One little voice whispers low,

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear (Short Version)
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, reach up high
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the sky
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch your knees
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, sit down please

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear (Long Version)
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, show your shoe.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, that will do!
Teddy bear, teddy bear, go upstairs.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, say your prayers.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn off the light.
Teddy bear, teddy bear, say good-night!

There Were Five in the Bed
There were five in the bed (hold up 5 fingers)
And the little one said, “Roll over, Roll over!”  (twirl both hands around each other)
So they all rolled over and one fell out (hold up 1 finger)
There were four in the bed (hold up four fingers)

**Continue the rhyme counting down until**

There was one in the bed  (hold up one finger)
And the little one said
I’ve got so much room! (spread arms out wide)
Goodnight!    (lay head on hands)

The Goodnight Song
(Tune of: “London Bridge is Falling Down”)
Now it’s time to say goodnight,
Say goodnight, say goodnight.
Now it’s time to say goodnight,
It’s time for home and sleep.

This Little Boy
This little boy is ready for bed (hold up index finger)
Down on the pillow he lays his head (place index finger in the palm of other hand)
Wraps himself in his covers tight (hand wrapped around finger)
And here he sleeps all the night (rock hands back and forth)

Diddle, Diddle Dumpling
Diddle, diddle dumpling, my son John,
Went to bed with his stockings on;
One shoe off and one shoe on,
Diddle, diddle dumpling, my son John.

Big Yellow Moon
Big yellow moon shines so bright, (Arms above head in circle shape.)
Glides across the starry night, (Arms move from left to right.)
Looks down at me (Hand shades eyes.)
Asleep in bed, (Hands together at side of face.)
Whispers, “Good night, sleepyhead.” (Forefinger in front of mouth.)
Big yellow moon, your turn is done. (Arms above head move down in front of body.)
Here comes Mr. Morning Sun. (Arms move above head in circle shape.)
I wake up. (Arms stretch out.)
You go to bed. (Hands together at side of face.)
“Sleep well, Moon, you sleepyhead.” (Forefinger in front of mouth.)

Sleeping Time
Down comes the sun
And up comes the moon.
It will be sleeping time soon.
Birds are quiet in their trees.
Cows and horses rest on their knees.
Sleepy children are tucked into beds,
With good night kisses upon their heads.

Are You Sleepy?
(tune: Frere Jaques)
Are you sleepy? Are you sleepy? (rub eyes)
Yes I am. Yes I am. (nod head)
Take your cozy blanket (pull hands up to neck)
And your teddy bear (hug self)
Close your eyes (close eyes)
Go to sleep. (put hands under head)

Going to Bed
This little child is going to bed.
Down on the pillow he lays his head (rest head on hands)
He wraps himself in covers tight (wrap hands across body)
And this is the way he sleeps all night. (close eyes, nod head)

 Morning comes, he opens his eyes, (raise head, eyes open wide)
Off with a toss the covers fly.  (fling arms wide)
Soon he is up and dressed and awake,  (jump up)
Ready for fun and play all day. (clap hands and turn in a circle)


Pajama Coloring Page

Decorate the pajamas however you want to make a truly unique pair!

Paper Plate Moon & Star

Materials Needed:
–        Paper Plate Moon Template (I just made my own by drawing the moon shape I wanted on a paper plate, then cutting  away the part that I didn’t need for the moon.  I used this as my template to trace for the others)
–        Stars Template
–        Paper Plate
–        Small Strand of Ribbon or Yarn
–        Paper Star
–        Crayons
–        Scissors
–        Single Hole Punch

Using the Moon Paper Plate template trace the shape of the moon on the paper plate.  Cut the plate so that it looks like a crescent moon. Decorate the moon as desired.  Cut out the paper star and decorate both sides.  Punch a hole in the top of the moon and one in the top of the star.  String the ribbon or yarn through the holes to attach the star to the moon.  Tie the ribbon in a knot to secure it.

Adapted from a craft featured on Confessions of a Real Librarian

Tuck-Me-In Teddy
 Materials Needed:
–        Copy of Teddy Bear in Pajamas
–        Piece of construction paper
–        Crayons, Markers, Etc.
–        Glue stick
–        Scissors

To prep the bed, fold a piece of construction paper in half so that it is 8.5”x 5.5”.  On the top page, cut out half of the page – first along the folded edge, then across the middle of the paper in a wavy line.  Color and cut out the teddy bear.  Glue this to the larger of the halves of the construction paper, so that the top paper covers the bear up to its chin.

*To save paper, you can make this craft smaller and only use ½ a piece of construction paper for the bed.  Make sure you make your teddy bear smaller too, then!

Adapted from a craft found on Read it Again!

Teddy bear in pajamas found here via a Google Images search for “pajama coloring page”.  Edited a bit to suit my purposes.