Pets – Preschool Storytime

Today’s preschool storytime was all about our best friends – Pets!

MOVEMENT: Welcome Song*

MOVEMENT: “Clap Your Hands” from Wiggleworms Love You by Old Town School of Folk Music


Excellent Ed by Stacy McAnulty, illustrated by Julia Sarcone-Roach

Ten Little Kittens
Ten little kittens standing in a row
(Palms facing forward, fingers extended)
They bow their heads to the children so
(bend fingers forward and back)
They run to the left, they run to the right
(move fingers to alternate sides, wiggling fingers)
The stretch up tall with all their might
(stretch hands over head)
Along comes a dog, looking for some fun
(fingers of one hand resting on thumb, move hand towards other hand)
“Meow!” Away those kittens run!
(As you meow, open both hands with fingers extended, “run” hands behind back)

Pet Voices and How Much is that Pet in the Window?

Flannelboard pattern, and altered story from Felt Board Fingerplays by Liz and Dick Wilmes.

Pet Voices
(take each of the animals out and put on the flannel board one by one)
This my pet _____.  S/He makes this sound ________.

Children fill in the blanks for the following animals:
This is my Fish.  He makes this sound, “Glub Glub”.
Mouse… squeak.
Rabbit…I don’t know what sound rabbits make, but let’s wiggle our noses like them!
Bird…Tweet tweet.
Dog… Arf Arf.

How Much is that Pet in the Window?
(to the tune of: “How much is that Doggy in the Window?”)
For this, I just held up each of the animals as I took them off the flannelboard, and we sang the following:

How much is that doggy in the window? Woof woof!
The one with the waggly tail?
How much is that doggy in the window? Woof woof!
I do hope that doggy’s for sale.

Other verses:
To do the different verses, I asked the audience what the animals did.  Here are ones we ended up with at this storytime:
Kitty…meow…long whiskers
Bird… tweet tweet…flappity wings
Rabbit…hop hop…hoppity legs 
Fish… glub glub… swimmy fins 

MOVEMENT: “Shake My Sillies Out” from More Singable Songs for the Very Young by Raffi

Can you hop like a rabbit? (Hop)
Can you jump like frog? (Jump)
Can you waddle like a duck? (Waddle)
Can you run like a dog? (Run in place)

Can you squeak like a guinea pig? (Squeak)
Can you swim like a fish? (Pretend to swim)
Can you sit down now and listen (Sit down)
And be as still as this?


I Spy Pets by Edward Gibbs


“Polly Parrot” from Peppa Pig: Muddy Puddles and Other Stories

MOVEMENT: Storytime’s Over*


Book: Emma’s Pet by David McPhail
Book: Pet This Book by Jessica Young & Daniel Wiseman
Book: Some Pets words by Angela DiTerlizzi, pets by Brendan Wenzel
Book: The Birthday Pet by Ellen Javernick, illustrated by Kevin O’Malley
Book: Rory the Dinosaur Wants a Pet by Liz Climo
DVD: “The Pet Competition” from Peppa Pig: Stars

I had planned this storytime for a 3-5 year old audience, but we ended up with a range from young toddlers to five-year olds.  I started with the book Excellent Ed because I love it and think the story is so sweet.  But I think it may have been a bit long for my audience.  The older kids and caregivers enjoyed it, though.  For the second book I used I Spy Pets because it was a little more interactive.  Speaking of interactive, all the kids seemed to enjoy the movements this time, even the Ten Little Kitties one, which I wasn’t sure would be a hit.  “Polly Parrot” was the first Peppa Pig video I ever saw, and I still love it.  Who isn’t entertained by an animated parrot who snorts like a piggy?

ATTENDANCE: 26 (adults and children)

DATE PRESENTED: Saturday, March 23, 2019 @ Children’s Room

*To see the words to these movements and activities I use frequently, please visit my A-capella Movements Section on my Storytime Movements and Music Page

Manners – Signs ‘n Storytime

Disclaimer: I am not bilingual in ASL. I took some courses in college (which seems like a million years ago now…)  I know I am not going to teach anyone to be fluent in ASL – as a fully formed language, there is no way I could do this.  But I view this program as a way to teach parents signs that they might find useful to use with their babies, as children can sign before they can speak.  I am teaching words, not grammar or culture.  I mean no disrespect to the Deaf community, and I welcome comments/ways to improve this service in a culturally respectful manner.

I thought some of these “Manners” signs would be useful for little ones to learn.

SONG: “Hello Friends” in ASL
taken from Jbrary
I changed this one a little so instead of doing it time to “say” Hello, I sing, “it’s time to Sign Hello” and use the ASL word for sign



Suppose You Meet a Dinosaur: A First Book of Manners by Judy Sierra, illustrated by Tim Bowers

Signs used with the story:
Nice to Meet You
Excuse Me 
Thank You 
I’m Sorry 

MOVEMENT: If You’re Happy and You Know It

I sung this one a capella, and when we clap our hands we do the ASL version of clapping, we stomp our feet, and we pound our chest.  Whenever there is clapping in this storytime (at the end of a book, etc) we always do it the ASL way.


Time to Say “Please”! by Mo Willems

Signs used with story:
Excuse Me
I’m Sorry
Thank You 


Wave Hello, Wave Bye-Bye by Pamela Chanko

Signs used with story:


4 Short Spots with Cookie Monster and Prairie Dawn from Sesame Street Monster Manners


Book: Penguin Says “Please” by Michael Dahl, illustrated by Oriol Vidal
(signs to use with story: hungry, thirsty, no, please)

Book: Give Please a Chance by Billy O’Reilly & James Patterson
(signs to use with story: please)
I wasn’t going to read this whole book, but just some pages.

Book: Mealtime by Elizabeth Verdick, illustrated by Marieka Heinlen
(signs to use with story: thank you, please, all done)
I didn’t get to see a copy of Manners Time from this book series, but I think that would work as well.

Book: Yes, Please! No, Thank You! by Valerie Wheeler, illustrated by Glin Dibley
(signs to use with story: yes, please, no, thank you)

Book: Please Say Please! Penguin’s Guide to Manners by Margery Cuyler, illustrated by Will Hillenbrand
(signs to use with story: no, hello, please, thank you)

HOW IT WENT: This was nice storytime for signing, because the books gave lots of opportunities for kids to use the same words again and again.  Plus, while manner books may be kind of didactic, I think these are the kinds of signs that parents want their little ones to learn. I really liked the Sierra book, that one was perfect for this.  The books go back and forth in age because I started this storytime with an older audience (closer to 3-5), then had some toddlers join in.  The older ones still had fun identifying the animals in the board book, but it was good for the littles too.

PRESENTED: Thursday, February 14 at LM Branch